UGPG Sponsors
The Utah Giant Pumpkins Growers express our sincere appreciation to our sponsors for their support. We couldn't do it without them. We encourage our growers to support our sponsors.
Hee Haw Farms is good farmin' fun for the whole family! We have something for everyone. Enjoy activities that range from our Pick-Your-Pumkin, Hayrides, Petting Farm, Corn Maze, Silo slide, corn cannon, animal train, zip line, and so much more! Purchase tickets online or at the farm!
Anderson Seed and Garden Growing better gardeners for over 80 years. Proud host of the Logan Center Giant Pumpkin Festival
Utah Arts Alliance The UAA provides unique services and programs that benefit the communities we serve by providing the infrastructure that enables people to pursue their creative dreams and experience art in their community. Proud host of the Gateway Giantpumpkinpalooza and Zombie Walk
Xtreme GardeningWe are committed to providing the world with biological products that continue to improve plant establishment rates and regenerating the soil food web for a more sustainable future.
Neptune’s Harvest
Growers that use Neptune’s Harvest Fish/Seaweed Blend Fertilizer on a regular basis have reported increased marketable yields and improved shelf life on fruits and vegetables. Fish and Seaweed are known to build the natural sugar in plants. Flowers and foliage will be stronger and more colorful. Blooms will be more plentiful, fragrant, and longer lasting.
Fan X
FanX® Salt Lake Comic Convention™s are Dan Farr Productions’ annual events and are now the most attended conventions in the state of Utah and the largest comic convention in North America per capita. Entertainment in Utah wouldn’t be the same without Fan X.
Utah Scale Center
Utah Scale Center specializes in providing quality scales for your personal and business needs. They have loaned us top quality scales for our weigh off events multiple times over the years and we appreciate their support. Their donated scales have weighed a total of over 100,000 lbs. worth of pumpkins in Utah!
Since 1974 Mountain Valley Seed Co. has been providing fellow passionate growers with a wide range of high quality seeds at wholesale prices. Our business has grown, but we are proud to still be a “little guy” and remain one of the few truly independent seed companies in the nation. We are still catering to the local grower, still operating as a small company and still supporting all of our local growing movements.

Lee's Giant Pumpkin Lifting Rings - Lee supplies lifting rings for all growers, from first time growers to the heavy hitters. These sturdy rings have lifted pumpkins over 1 ton! Travel straps are also available to secure your pumpkin during transport. They even sew custom lifting straps to customers specification. Thanks to Lee's Giant Pumpkin Lifting Rings for their ongoing support of the UGPG!